My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I read this book in two and a bit sittings. It would have just been one except that I realised that I needed at least some semblance of sleep before another day at the grindstone..
Having read the first two books in the series and having been gripped immediately by the quality and depth of the characters and the graceful prose oh and the plot(s) wow - the plot(s) the flow was amazing and you were taken from your armchair, or wherever you read, and cast with aplomb into the shady yet bright world of David Braddock, a man of many facets.. Anyway.. I'm getting a little carried away with myself - sorry
This third book in the series catapults you into the dreary heart of a Midlands city, Leicester, and here we learn all about what has made David Braddock the 'anti-hero' that he is... But the book is so much more than that; it is a beautifully written piece about many characters that are so interlinked that my mind instantly went back to an illustration in the first book in the series.
John has a mastery of writing that leaves you, when a connection between characters is made, actually saying "aaaaahhhhhhh!" out loud.
This book series seems to be going from strength to strength and I, for one, cannot wait until the next instalment!
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